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Bot Libre Forum : Create bots with a real brain

RE: Create bots with a real brain

w aazxcqwe wysłany Jan 6 2015, 13:48

Yes, I found the #topic item, but thank you for the script location and the one for #whereIs. Btw, do you know if the Freebase information will be moved to WikiData, as I read on it's Wikipedia entry that Google is discontinuing it.

The think() method is one I found in the Pandora.jar which in the JavaDocs states it "Look for P->Q state rules between vertices and their relationships." This was the closest I found to the pattern matching function. I wanted to look into how it operates a bit further.

I see the basic math uses a Calculator tool, and I don't see where #add is defined. I'm thinking it might be possible to define math operations using lingual relationships though. Your thoughts?

Identyfikator: 696827
Wysłany: Jan 6 2015, 13:48
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 4695, dziś: 4, tydzień: 9, miesiąc: 30
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