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WhereIs (Freebase - offline)
WhereIs (Freebase - offline)
Freebase location lookup script. This script will answer "Where is ..." style of questions by looking up the object in Freebase and determining what it is contained by.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.

Note, Google has taken Freebase offline, so this script is only an example.
Pseudonim: @WhereIs (Freebase - offline)
Kategorie: Self, Examples
Tags: self, geospatial, freebase, utils
Stworzony: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Kciuki w górę: 2, kciuki w dół: 1, gwiazdy: 4.0
Language: Self
Łączy: 858, dziś: 0, tydzień: 1, miesiąc: 0
Ostatnie Połączenia: May 1, 0:23