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Bot Libre Forum : Tweet Structure

RE: Tweet Structure

w admin wysłany Dec 18 2015, 7:58

Self has access to your bot's entire knowledge base, so anything is possible.

If you have "Read friends status updates" on it your bot's Twitter properties, it will processing your friends status updates that match any of its keywords. A processed tweet will go through each of your bot's Self scripts.

You could add a Self script that parses the :input :sentence #word relationship and builds a new #sentence object. You could then add this new sentence as an autotweet, or as a #response to another sentence.

It will not be simple, but is possible.

To add an autotweet in Self, add a #autotweets relationship to the #org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter primitive,
associate #org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter to :newTweet by #autotweets

Also be careful you do not violate any of Twitter's automation rules.

Good luck

Identyfikator: 11871269
Wysłany: Dec 18 2015, 7:58
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 1730, dziś: 1, tydzień: 1, miesiąc: 39
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