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Bot Libre Dev

Building Bot Libre

w admin wysłany Dec 22 2015, 13:48

You can download the Bot Libre project and source code from GitHub, or the zip from SourceForge.

Bot Libre's development uses Eclipse and ant. Each component contains an Eclipse project that defines the component and dependencies. Each component also has a build.xml ant build file that can be used to compile the source code into a jar. ant is a command line driven build tool that can be downloaded free from the Internet (just google ant).

The Android apps and SDK also are using Eclipse. You can download Eclipse and the Eclipse Android dev environment from

The iOS apps and SDK are developed in objective C with Apple XCode. The GUI's are built in code, not through XCode's GUI tools (which is actually much easier and causes fewer headaches).

by igmer posted Jan 19 2022, 8:51

how build project and depploy in tomcat? I'm trying to build a new .war file but a I getting errors ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved

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by admin posted Jan 20 2022, 9:59
Make sure you follow the install guide,

and getting started guide,

and add all of the required jars to tomcat/lib from,

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Views: 978, today: 0, week: 16, month: 49

Identyfikator: 11890575
Tagi: sdk, building, ant, xcode, eclipse
Wysłany: Dec 22 2015, 13:48
Odpowiedzi: 2
Widok: 2973, dziś: 1, tydzień: 26, miesiąc: 58
0 0 0.0/5