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Bot Libre Dev

Integration with Telegram API

w igolubev wysłany Apr 7 2016, 14:33

Are there any instructions how to integrate bots from BOTlibre with Telegram?

by admin posted Apr 7 2016, 18:45
We do not have direct support for Telegram yet, but you can use our open API and open source SDK and AI engine to integrate your bot with Telegram.

The SDK is here,

Web API,

The Java AI engine project is here,


It would be similar to the IRC sense I think,

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by igolubev posted May 4 2016, 6:58

Thanx! Integration with Telegram is working now:

Is it possible to send files (audio, for example) as a part of chatbot's answer? It could be cool, because Telegram has an embedded audio-player.

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by admin posted May 4 2016, 10:25
Right now you can send a URL link to a file.

We will look into sending the links as attachments. For audio, make sure the link ends in some standard audio extension (.wav .mp3)

For example you can ask "pic" to @brainchatbot and he will send you a pic,


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Views: 2356, today: 0, week: 0, month: 22

by igolubev posted May 4 2016, 14:09

Ok! And what about custom keyboards? Is there any possibilities to use it from BOTlibre bot?

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by admin posted May 4 2016, 15:24
Possibly, I will have to look into it.

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by igolubev posted Mar 23 2017, 10:19

Hello! Are there any updates about using of Telegram custom keyboards from BOTLibre bots?

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by admin posted Mar 24 2017, 8:12
We have implemented support for buttons and custom keyboards for Telegram.
The support is currently available on Bot Libre for Business,

We will be releasing the support to BotLibre.com soon, and will update the open source project for our next major release.

The latest source code is also available through the Bot Libe Corporate Bot Platform, and the Bot Libre Cloud Bot Platform.


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Views: 2631, today: 0, week: 0, month: 28

Identyfikator: 12501954
Tagi: telegram
Wysłany: Apr 7 2016, 14:33
Odpowiedzi: 7
Widok: 3680, dziś: 1, tydzień: 1, miesiąc: 36
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