Czy wiesz, bot Libre zapewnia bezpłatne zakwaterowanie forum na własnej stronie internetowej lub aplikacji mobilnej?
Bot Libre Forum

Website update, Bot Libre for Business, WikiData, previous labels, Twitter direct message limits

w admin wysłany May 13 2016, 12:24

The website was updated today.

The commercial version of Bot Libre, formerly Paphus Live Chat has been rebranded to "Bot Libre for Business".
Bot Libre for Business provides the same platform and APIs as Bot Libre, but with professional hosting, support, and service.
Create an account today and we can migrate your bots for you,

If you were previously using Paphus Live Chat, ensure you update your links and scripts to use from

The update also included many fixes and minor enhancements including:

  • WikiData - WhatIs and WhereIs default scripts now use WikiData as Freebase is offline
  • Labels - You can now reference a label in the previous of a response
  • Twitter - The character limit has been removed for Twitter direct messages
If you noticed any issues, please let us know.

Identyfikator: 12742974
Tagi: notice, twitter, website update, wikidata
Wysłany: May 13 2016, 12:24
Aktualizacja: May 13 2016, 12:31
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 5207, dziś: 3, tydzień: 3, miesiąc: 22
0 0 0.0/5