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Bot Libre Dev : Integration with Facebook,Twitter

RE: Integration with Facebook,Twitter

w admin wysłany Nov 14 2016, 8:16

1 - Facebook Messenger normally works using a webhook that you need to register with Facebook through a Facebook app. To do this with the Bot Libre AI engine you would need a Java webserver (Tomcat), REST servlet or service, and an https website.

The AI engine is just the AI engine, it does not include a webserver.
See for free Facebook bot hosting.

2 - This method can be used to poll a Facebook profile or page. It would need to have a Facebook app for authentication. You would need to schedule a background task in your Java program to call this method.

Identyfikator: 14572125
Wysłany: Nov 14 2016, 8:16
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 1760, dziś: 2, tydzień: 3, miesiąc: 21
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