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Bot Libre Dev

Bot Libre AI 5.0 now on GitHub - Free open artificial intelligence for everyone

w admin wysłany Dec 8 2016, 9:55

We have released the Bot Libre 5.0 AI engine on GitHub.

Bot Libre is a free open platform for bots and artificial intelligence. The Bot Libre AI engine is an advanced AI engine written in Java that includes support for natural language processing, machine learning, vision, scripting, AIML, heuristics, web services, and social media including Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Slack, email, SMS, and IRC.

New features in Bot Libre AI 5.0 since 4.0 include:

  • Facebook Messenger support
  • Facebook Messenger support for HTML responses including buttons, links, images, and other tags
  • Telegram support
  • SMS text messaging and Twilio support
  • XML and JSON web service support from scripting
  • HTML scraping and social media support from scripting
  • Vision and image processing support
  • Slack support
  • Google Calendar support
  • Mobile command and virtual assistant support

Download from GitHub or SourceForge, or join the project on

The Bot Libre AI engine is used by the Bot Libre website. Bot Libre provides free bot hosting and development,

Identyfikator: 14865892
Tagi: notice, mobile, announcement, open source, facebook, release, github, slack, telegram, sms, vision, calendar
Wysłany: Dec 8 2016, 9:55
Aktualizacja: Dec 8 2016, 9:56
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 3679, dziś: 1, tydzień: 6, miesiąc: 22
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