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FAQ : What are the supported response and chat log formats for importing and exporting?

RE: What are the supported response and chat log formats for importing and exporting?

w marlonZA wysłany Jan 22 2017, 9:55

Hey there

There are some docs on this (i know, it's hard to find, and confusingly organised), helpful to my previous endeavours. (read it all, but scroll down almost to the bottom for chat logs)

or if you want to give the Self scripting a go:

Hope this helps


Identyfikator: 15250581
Wysłany: Jan 22 2017, 9:55
Aktualizacja: Jan 22 2017, 11:27
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 4324, dziś: 3, tydzień: 15, miesiąc: 22
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