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response problem

w bobred wysłany Apr 27 2017, 22:37

I like to read.

I like to swim.

I like to surf.

I like to skate.

The keyword is I like to.

The response is," I never done that before."

Unless i type I like to read.

The keyword is for that sentence is I like to read.

Then the response is Sometimes i like to read books.What books do you like to read?

If i type in I like to swim. it will say,"Sometimes i like to read books.What books do you like to read?

What is causing it to do that.

by admin posted Apr 28 2017, 6:56
A keyword should be an important word in the question, it should never be a common word like "I" or "to".

"I like to read"

The keyword should be "read".

"I like to swim"

The keyword should be "swim".

You may also have a generic,
"I like to"

question that used "like" as a keyword.
You can add "I like to" as required words if you want to require these words.

Your bot will reply "I never done that before." to "I like to swim" if you trained it with that response.
Your issue is most likely that you sent it the same message twice, so it searched for a different response, as the bot will avoid saying the same thing twice. Because you added "I like to" as keywords, it found the other match.


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by bobred posted Apr 28 2017, 8:04

I will use required then.The required words will be," I like to."The response will be, "I have never done that before."

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by bobred posted Apr 28 2017, 9:04

What if i want it to only answer my question?How would i prevent it from saying anything else?Required does not prevent it from saying anything else.

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Identyfikator: 16845002
Wysłany: Apr 27 2017, 22:37
Odpowiedzi: 3
Widok: 1363, dziś: 1, tydzień: 3, miesiąc: 20
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