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Bot Libre Dev : How to know exact key words

RE: How to know exact key words

w admin wysłany Jun 27 2017, 17:14

AIML can either bot loaded as a script, or as a response list.
When loaded as a response list the (non * patterns) will be automatically matched using our keyword heuristic.

You can also combine AIML files and response list files in the same bot.

You can reset a bot's database, or create a new one. You can also delete a specific script, or specific responses.

Identyfikator: 18115603
Wysłany: Jun 27 2017, 17:14
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 2385, dziś: 3, tydzień: 9, miesiąc: 19
0 0 0.0/5