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Bot Libre Forum : chatbot not working right in chatbot wars

RE: chatbot not working right in chatbot wars

w admin wysłany Jul 25 2017, 13:02

I think your issue is you have 'Split Paragraphs' enabled in your bot's Learning & Settings.
This makes the bot process each sentence separately from a multi-sentence input.

Unclick this setting, or send a single sentence input.

'Please my mistake. What is a complete sentence?'

This does not match your pattern but,

'Please my mistake, what is a complete sentence?'


Identyfikator: 18447574
Wysłany: Jul 25 2017, 13:02
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 2174, dziś: 2, tydzień: 9, miesiąc: 15
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