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Bot Libre Forum : Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

RE: Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

w admin wysłany Sep 2 2017, 1:52

Everything is persistent in Self, so storing data is easy.

If you want to store something specific to a user, you can store it on their user object using the "speaker" variable.

speaker.userid = "user1";
speaker.password = "12345";

To store something specific to the current conversation use the "conversation" variable.

conversation.userid = "user1";
conversation.password = "12345";

To store a global variable use the "#" symbol to create a global symbol object.

#credentials.userid = "user1";
#credentials.password = "12345";

To use a variable in a GET or POST call just set in in the parameters.

var info = Http.requestJSON("" + speaker.userid + "&password=" + speaker.password);

Identyfikator: 18920549
Wysłany: Sep 2 2017, 1:52
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 4222, dziś: 1, tydzień: 11, miesiąc: 42
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