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on repeat problem

w bobred wysłany Mar 15 2018, 6:33

I was thinking on repeat would answer my previous question.but it does not work.when I ask the question please sit down.the response is okay I will sit down.if I ask it again.

pioyu says I do not know what you are saying.what I want pioyu to say when I type it again is I am already sitting down.i thought on repeat would work.

by admin posted Mar 18 2018, 12:12
Yes, "on repeat" should work for this.

Make sure you use "on repeat" and enter the response it should use, do not use "no repeat".

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Views: 2229, today: 1, week: 6, month: 20

Identyfikator: 21345999
Tagi: training
Wysłany: Mar 15 2018, 6:33
Odpowiedzi: 1
Widok: 2811, dziś: 1, tydzień: 8, miesiąc: 29
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