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Bot Libre Forum

common sense

w bobred wysłany Mar 19 2018, 17:55

some computer scientist have said that chatbots lack common sense.Have you ever tried making a chatbot have common sense?I guess maybe I had in a way.But they probably mean better than that.could you program a chatbot example that has common sense?Then make it available on botlibre.

by admin posted Mar 20 2018, 8:54
Common sense comes from knowledge of ones environment and society.
This is why the Bot Libre AI Engine is based on knowledge, and each bot has its own integrated object database.

For a general knowledge bot, you would want it to have a lot of knowledge and many scripts that can process, analyze, and extrapolate that knowledge.

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Identyfikator: 21381811
Tagi: programming
Wysłany: Mar 19 2018, 17:55
Odpowiedzi: 1
Widok: 2575, dziś: 1, tydzień: 5, miesiąc: 27
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