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Bot Libre Dev : How to get the conversation id in the script

RE: How to get the conversation id in the script

w admin wysłany Dec 18 2018, 13:49

In a Self script the conversation is available in the "conversation" variable.

To access the conversation object's id you can use,


For a complete list of object methods see,

Depending on the type of conversation, there are also other ids available. Chat conversations have a #gid attribute and some social media and IOT conversations have an #id attribute.



Identyfikator: 25306940
Wysłany: Dec 18 2018, 13:49
Aktualizacja: Dec 19 2018, 12:48
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 2950, dziś: 1, tydzień: 8, miesiąc: 20
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