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How to make a Twitter bot reply to tweets

w admin wysłany May 8 2014, 8:32

You can configure a Twitter bot to read and possibly respond to your friend's tweets, or search for tweets based on keywords, or a Twitter search query string.

Any mention, or direct message (i.e. "@mybot Hello") will always be responded to, if the bot does not know a good response, its default response will be used.

The Twitter page under Admin contains several configuration properties. To have your bot process your friend's tweets click, "Read friends status updates". Because some Twitter profiles have a lot of friends, and most tweets are not meaningful to the bot, you are required to give a set of keywords to filter your friends tweets under "Reply Keywords/Hashtags". The bot will only respond to friend's tweets that contain "all" of one of the keyword sets.

The keywords must be separated by a space, (not a comma), and each keyword set must be separated by a new line.

For example to process any tweet contains "chat bot" or "chatterbot" you would use,

chat bot

You can also enter a set of keywords, or Twitter query string to search for under "Tweet Search".

A tweet that matches the keywords will be read by your bot, but it may not respond to the tweet. The bot will only respond to tweets that it knows a good response for. If the tweet is a question that the bot understands through a program script, it will answer it. If the tweet is not a question, then it will not respond from a program script. If the bot has learned a response to the tweet, or knows a response to a similar phrase (90% match), and the response is a "good" response (90% correctness), then the bot will respond. You can increase a response's correctness from the Chat Logs page.

To make your bot respond the a set of keywords, you can train the bot with a response to a question that contains the keywords from the Training page. Next, goto the Chat Logs page and find the response by filtering "new responses", "current day". Select the response and click the edit icon. Click on the keywords and required words checkboxes, and enter your keywords in the keywords and required words inputs, and save.

You also need to set the response correctness to > %90, so select the response again, and click on the green checkmark icon, until the response correctness in over %90.

This may seem a little complex, but these options have been defined to avoid spam, and avoid unnecessary processing. Be very careful making your bot reply to tweets, and do not spam. Twitter will automatically ban any accounts that are thought to be spamming.

Identyfikator: 25560
Tagi: twitter, tweet
Wysłany: May 8 2014, 8:32
Aktualizacja: Sep 11 2015, 8:47
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 8875, dziś: 1, tydzień: 11, miesiąc: 35
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