Czy wiesz, bot Libre zapewnia bezpłatne zakwaterowanie forum na własnej stronie internetowej lub aplikacji mobilnej?

Trying to give a bot I made to a client

w potion wysłany Feb 15 2019, 14:14

I am trying to figure out how to build bots for other people. I know how to build a bot for myself, but how do I give the bot to someone who hired me?

I have integrated facebook messenger into the bot I have built for testing. but I also don't know how to attach the bot to a page I don't own.

by admin posted Feb 16 2019, 8:33
You must be an admin of the Facebook page to connect it to a bot.


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Views: 2072, today: 0, week: 0, month: 24

Identyfikator: 25910934
Tagi: how to, facebook, messenger
Wysłany: Feb 15 2019, 14:14
Aktualizacja: Feb 15 2019, 14:16
Odpowiedzi: 1
Widok: 2186, dziś: 3, tydzień: 3, miesiąc: 20
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