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Bot Libre Forum : How to create a continuous conversation?

RE: How to create a continuous conversation?

w admin wysłany Nov 13 2019, 15:01

Maybe you fixed it, as when I chat with your bot I get,

> Thank you very much
> Okay see you

The reason your bot is repeating some questions is it has no response and no default response.
You should add a default response (such as "Sorry, I do not understand.").

In general never add common words like "you" as a keyword (you can put it as a required word).

When the bot say "I understand...." this response is coming from the "Understanding" script. If you don't want these responses then delete that script.

Identyfikator: 30181022
Wysłany: Nov 13 2019, 15:01
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 2422, dziś: 3, tydzień: 6, miesiąc: 18
0 0 0.0/5