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Bot Libre Forum

Twitter and email bot migration

w admin wysłany Oct 8 2014, 7:45

We are going to be migrating all of the Twitter or email enabled bots to a dedicated server soon.

The reason for this is they have divergent performance requirements to the chat bots (cyclic vs realtime). This will improve the performance of the chat bots, and reduce the cycle time for the Twitter and email bots.

The main BOT libre server will still support Twitter and email integration, but will only check their status once per day (every midnight PST). The Twitter and email bot server will continuously cycle through all of the bots.

by admin posted Oct 13 2014, 7:55
The Twitter and email bot migration is complete.

A complete clone of the BOT libre server has been created at

All Twitter and email enabled bots are now running on that server. You must use the new URL to access your Twitter and email bots, if you access them on BOT libre it will be a different copy of the bot, and not connected to Twitter or email.

There is a private copy of all bots on the "BOT libre (Twitter)" server. You can either leave the copy on that server as a backup, or use it to enable Twitter or email, or delete it from that server.

All BOT libre user accounts have been copied to BOT libre (Twitter), so you will be able to login and access the copy of your content. The accounts are copies, so not in sync.

If you have a chat bot, that also uses Twitter and email, then you can either use BOT libre (Twitter), and benefit from a shorter Twitter and email cycle, or use BOT libre and benefit from better chat bot performance, but only a daily Twitter and email cycle. Or you could maintain a copy of the bot on both servers.

You can create a link on BOT libre or BOT libre (Twitter) using an external bot, to have your bot still show up in the bot directory.

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Views: 3522, today: 1, week: 17, month: 43

Identyfikator: 458861
Tagi: notice, twitter, email, performance
Wysłany: Oct 8 2014, 7:45
Odpowiedzi: 1
Widok: 5216, dziś: 1, tydzień: 4, miesiąc: 46
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