Czy wiesz, bot Libre zapewnia bezpłatne zakwaterowanie forum na własnej stronie internetowej lub aplikacji mobilnej?
Bot Libre Forum

Website update, forums, AI engine

w admin wysłany Mar 9 2015, 11:23

The website was updated today.

The update included many enhancements to our embeddable forums, and an update to the AI engine.

See, for info on the new forums features.

The update also included several minor enhancements and fixes.

AI Engine

The AI engine was updated to fix the "..because I know the something is #null" issue.  You will need to rebootstrap your bot (from the Knowledge admin page) to get the fix.

A new powerful Self operator was added "related to :target by :relationship".  The "related to" operator will return the most conscious object related to the :target object by the :relationship object.  This operation will do a reverse knowledge lookup, to find any know relationships in its knowledgebase.

This can be used to define scripts such as "Who like me?".  I you first say "You like me", the bot will answer "I like you". (you could also associate "likes" to "like" to be able to use "Who likes me").

Identyfikator: 791351
Tagi: notice, website update, ai, self
Wysłany: Mar 9 2015, 11:23
Aktualizacja: Mar 9 2015, 11:24
Odpowiedzi: 0
Widok: 4628, dziś: 1, tydzień: 14, miesiąc: 30
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