- WARNING - Static variable in class org.botlibre.Bot
- Watch - Class in org.botlibre.tool
Return current date and time.
- Watch() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.tool.Watch
- WEAK - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- weakAdd(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
Add a weak relationship from the source of the type, to the target object.
- weakAddWithMeta(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
- WEAKASSOCIATE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WEAKASSOCIATE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- weakAssociateAll(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, float) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- weakAssociateAll(Primitive, Vertex, Primitive, float) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- weakAssociateAll(Primitive, Vertex, Primitive, float) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- weakAssociateAll(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, float) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- WECHAT - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WeChat - Class in org.botlibre.sense.wechat
- WeChat(boolean) - Constructor for class org.botlibre.sense.wechat.WeChat
- WeChat() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.sense.wechat.WeChat
- WEDNESDAY - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WEEK - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WELCOME - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHAT - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHEN - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHERE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHILE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHILE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- WHISPER - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHITESPACE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.util.TextStream
- WHO - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WHY - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WIKIDATA - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- Wikidata - Class in org.botlibre.sense.wikidata
This sense queries and loads data from Wikidata.
- Wikidata() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.sense.wikidata.Wikidata
- WIKTIONARY - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- Wiktionary - Class in org.botlibre.sense.http
Process Wikimedia Wiktionary pages.
- Wiktionary() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.sense.http.Wiktionary
- WILDCARD - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WITH - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- WolframAlpha - Class in org.botlibre.sense.wolframalpha
- WolframAlpha(boolean) - Constructor for class org.botlibre.sense.wolframalpha.WolframAlpha
- WolframAlpha() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.sense.wolframalpha.WolframAlpha
- WORD - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- WORD - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- word(Vertex, Vertex[]) - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Self API to create a compound word.
- WORKER_THREADS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.sense.http.Http
- writeBootstrapXML() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Bootstrap
Populates the basic bootstrap xml files for reseting/initializing a memory.
- writeHeader(Vertex, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
- writeXML(Network, Writer) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.xml.NetworkXMLParser
Covert the network into xml using the writer.
- wwwRegex - Static variable in class org.botlibre.util.Utils