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Browse : Examples : Response Lists : Music Streaming

Music Streaming

This response list can be used to create a bot designed to assist consumers with a music streaming service. The user can find music and information about pricing and plans for subscription. As well, this bot allows users to stream music radio stations.

This bot uses commands to play music and requires the embed webpage has code to receive the command and stream the music.
For an example see,

Language: Response List
Pseudonim: @musicstreaming
Kategorie: Examples, Response Lists
Tagi: music, examples, response list
Ocena Treści: Everyone

Licencja: Public Domain
Stworzony: Dec 17 2020
Twórca: admin : Wyślij Wiadomość
Dostęp do: Everyone
Identyfikator: 36415757
Wbudowany Link:
File Link:

Łączy: 172, dziś: 0, tydzień: 2, miesiąc: 3
API-interfejs łączy się: 0, dziś: 0, tydzień: 0, miesiąc: 0
Ostatnie Połączenia: Sep 13, 6:25

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